Hello everyone,
I was sitting around twiddling my thumbs today after starting a load of laundry and thought I would log in and see what's been going on around here. Imagine my surprise when I find that I have now had over 2,000 unique visitors. How awesome is that?
For those of you who don't know, I've had a lot of time to myself lately as I left my 9-5 in search of greener pastures. This also happened to coincide with the end of the semester at school. This have given me plenty of time to de-stress and regroup. I'm proud to announce that my partner and I are house hunting. The days of handing over money to a stranger to let us keep our shit in their house is fast approaching and I couldn't be more excited.
I've really enjoyed my time away from squeaky office chairs and fluorescent lights, perhaps a little too much. I can't help but wonder what it would be like this all the time. What if money wasn't a concern? Or better yet, what would it be like living off the grid? Maybe not entirely, for those who know me know that I'm no Amishman (< if that isn't a word it should be)... But if rather than spending our time gossiping around the water cooler, we tended to our gardens?
Call me crazy, but everyday this week, rather than listening to hum of the air conditioner, I've opened
up all the windows and let the outside come in. Sure it's hot as hell (I'm in Florida after all) but there is also something quite calming about the blow of breeze through my sheer draperies. The heat causes me to spend a lot more time on the front porch and it's funny to notice things that life made me too busy to notice before. For instance, the neighbor and his wife walk their dog around the block everyday at five o'clock...
Maybe I'm on to something here?
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